The Moving Text
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on David Brown and the Bible
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Drawing upon the pioneering work of the British theologian David Brown who argues for a non-static, `moving text' that reaches beyond the biblical canon, this volume brings together twelve interdisciplinary essays, as well as a response from Brown.
With essays ranging from New Testament textual criticism to the fiction of David Foster Wallace, The Moving Text provides an introduction to Brown and the Bible that will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as specialists in a wide range of fields.
'In this collection of essays, a wide variety of scholars take up Brown’s insights, fleshing them out through lucid interpretations of biblical texts, art, and literature. These rich discussions, along with a response and four sermons from Brown himself, render this collection essential reading for biblical and theological scholars as well as for people of faith seeking to hear God’s voices in unexpected places.' - Benjamin D. Sommer, Professor of Bible at the Jewish Theological Seminary and author of Revelation and Authority (2015)
'This is a rich, varied and thought-provoking treasure trove for the academically inclined preacher: a glimpse into the rarefied world of peer-reviewed interdisciplinary academic debate. It is not an easy read, nor is it a book to be devoured at one sitting. It is almost certain to extend the reader’s knowledge, and vocabulary!' -- Dr Anne Davidson Lund, Reader in the Diocese of Chester,