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SCM Studyguide: Liturgy, 2nd edition
2nd Edition
The SCM Studyguide: Liturgy, 2nd Edition is an introduction to liturgy that considers the basic 'building blocks' needed to grasp the subject area. This new edition takes account of new liturgy contexts and revisions in the liturgy since the...
Liturgy with a Difference
Beyond Inclusion in the Christian Assembly
Liturgy with a Difference gathers a broad range of international theologians and scholars to interrogate current practices of liturgy and worship in order to unmask ways in which dehumanizing majoritarianisms and presumed norms of gender, culture,...
Paperback / softback
Exchanges of Grace
Essays in Honour of Ann Loades
Anglican Theology
Postcolonial Perspectives
Paperback / softback
From the Shores of Silence
Conversations in Feminist Practical Theology
Feminist practical theology is bold in exploration of doctrinal themes in poetic and prayerful modes, characteristically collaborative and in search of alliances with other advocacy perspectives. Chapters invite readers into wide ranging...
Paperback / softback