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SCM Studyguide: Liturgy, 2nd edition
2nd Edition
The SCM Studyguide: Liturgy, 2nd Edition is an introduction to liturgy that considers the basic 'building blocks' needed to grasp the subject area. This new edition takes account of new liturgy contexts and revisions in the liturgy since the...
Blessed are the Poor?
Urban Poverty and the Church
Laurie Green considers a number of key biblical texts as well as recent research on poverty in the UK and asks what the Church's ministry among the poor would need to look like in order to be true to the gospel. The book ends with practical outcomes...
Christian Doctrine
Divided into three main sections: God and Creation, Christ and Salvation, and Spirit and Church, this texbook covers such topics as the nature of God-talk, the divine attributes, the doctrine of the Trinity, creation, providence, and eschatology. It...
Igniting the Heart
Preaching and Imagination
Kate Bruce argues that imagination can help to engage the hearer in a sermon which seeks to evoke rather than to inform. Imagination frames how we see the world and ourselves in it. As such it has a vital role in how preachers see the preaching task...
SCM Studyguide: Theology in the Contemporary World