Mission and Ministry
Adaptive Ministry for a Post-Church Society
Arguing that what is needed is a provisional approach to ministry which recognises that all forms of ministry are, and always have been a response to social and cultural context, 'Ecclesianarchy' brings theological and practical insight to bear on...
Paperback / softback
As a Fire By Burning
Mission as the Life of the Local Congregation
Mission is the key subject in all denominations. All who prepare for ministry will have to study mission. Several training institutions have already created posts to train students in pioneer ministry.This is a book that brings together current...
The Promise of Anglicanism
By looking at the Church through the lens of the biblical theme of promise, The Promise of Anglicanism seeks to offer neither lament for a tattered tradition nor facile hope for an expanding one. It considers the key phases of Anglican history, from...
Paperback / softback
Researching Practice in Mission and Ministry
A Companion
New World, New Church?
The theology of the emerging church movement
Offering an assessment of the impact of the emerging church upon the church in the West, New World, New Church? affirms what is good and insightful in the emerging church and offers a robust critical evaluation of its theological revisions.