Concilum 177/5
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Paperback / softback
Publisher: Smc Press
ISBN: 9780334030461
Number of Pages: 116
Width: 14.8 cm
Height: 21 cm
Editorial : the return of the plague / Jose? Oscar Beozzo and Virgil Elizondo -- I. Plagues today. God and the evil of this world : forgotten, unforgettable theodicy / Johann Baptist Metz -- Plagues : definition an overall view / Gaspar Mora -- The social construction of plagues / John H. Simpson -- Evil in the free market mentality / Jung Mo Sung. II. Biblical / theological interpretations. "Neither he nor his parents have sinned" : guilt and exclusion / Hermann Ha?ring -- Plagues in the Bible / Pablo Richard -- Job : even when I cry out "violence" I am not answered / Elsa Tamez -- Leprosy : untouchables of the gospel and of today / Justin S. Upkong -- The apocalyptic beast : the culture of violence / Walter Wink. III. The challenge of the plague experience. Plague and its human price : Albert Camus, The Plague / Norbert Mette -- The Christian ethic : help or hinderance ? / Marciano Vidal -- Seeds of hope / Zilda Arns Neumann.