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Rights and permissions

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Alternatively, you can visit www.plsclear.com to complete your request. 

The PLSclear team have put together a video guide to help you know if you’re ready to start clearing permissions.

You can also visit the PLSclear help portal where you will find a checklist and step-by-step guide to making requests through PLSclear, should you need assistance.

The PLSclear helpdesk can be contacted at plsclear@pls.org.uk (Monday-Friday 9:00 – 17:00 GMT).


For all other queries relating to permissions, please email permissions@hymnsam.co.uk.



If you are based in the USA, in order to make it easy for you to secure permission to reuse SCM Press content, we have partnered with Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). Please visit www.copyright.com and enter the title that you are requesting permission for in 'Get Permission' search box.

For assistance in placing a permission request, Copyright Clearance Center can be contacted directly at:

Copyright Clearance Center www.copyright.com 
222 Rosewood Drive 
Danvers, MA 01923 
Phone: +1-978-750-8400 
Fax: +1-978-646-8600 
E-mail: info@copyright.com


SCM Press calculates fees for permission based on the amount of material being used, the distribution of that material, and whether your usage is defined as commercial or non-commercial use.

All of our fees are established to compensate our authors fairly for further usage of their copyrighted material.

Fair Use

  • Fair use is a system which allows authors, academics and researchers to reproduce small portions without fee.
  • For academic texts or scholarly use, we are willing to grant fair use privileges of reproduction without charge to a quote of 250 words; either as a single quote or as several quotes cumulatively. Please ensure the material is properly acknowledged.
  • Please note, quotes from poems or prayers are not eligible as free use and permission must be sought.

Non-Commercial Use

  • SCM Press is willing to grant permission free of charge for material to be used as part of a service sheet or one-time function programme, provided the material does not constitute more than 2 pages of the publication. We request that all material is properly acknowledged, and as far as is possible, that the sheets are collected after use and destroyed.

University and Academic Use

  • Universities seeking to reproduce reading material for students shall be granted permission to do so for a reduced fee. When contacting us, please be sure to say the extent of the material, the number of students it will be available to, and your method of distribution i.e. via online portal or as hard-copy.

Third-Party Material

  • Before submitting a request, please ensure that the material is owned by SCM Press. Material published in compilations may not be copyrighted to us, but the acknowledgement will be found in the publication.
  • For material in compilations published by SCM Press which is not under SCM Press copyright, please contact the original publisher/author.


If you are looking to reprint or translate a title, please contact translation.rights@hymnsam.co.uk  and we will be happy to help you.

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