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Open Access

We are pleased to offer Open Access publishing options for our authors. Our Open Access titles receive the same publishing expertise and attention that our whole list can expect. This means that an OA title is assessed, revised and passed for publication using our peer review process and is then marketed around the globe to ensure the readership is maximized. Electronic versions (ePDF/ePUB) are made freely available to individuals and libraries alike.


Our Book Processing Charges (BPC) are as follows:

For final submitted manuscripts up to 100,000 words: £8,000 / $10,500 (excluding VAT)

For final submitted manuscripts between 100,000 and 130,000 words: £9,500 / $12,000

For manuscripts over 130,000 words or with more than 30 illustrations or figures, please consult with your editor for a tailored quotation.


Already published titles

We are willing to discuss making already published books as open access at reduced rates. Please contact David.Shervington@hymnsam.co.uk to discuss this further.


Creative Commons Licensing

Our OA books and chapters are published under Creative Commons licenses. We recommend the following license:


You can find more information about Creative Commons here.

We can accommodate other licenses on request.


For details on how to submit a proposal, please visit: https://scmpress.hymnsam.co.uk/contact-us/authors