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Audiobook FAQ

You can now purchase audio downloads from our website for your PC, smartphone or tablet. All audio files come in MP3 format in a zipped folder. Please read these FAQs below if you have any problems with your files.

How do I find my audio download link?

Your audio download link can be found:

1. On the checkout receipt page, immediately after your order has been placed

2. In an email sent from orders@hymnsam.co.uk (we will send you two emails - one order confirmation and one containing your download links)

3. In My Account - login with your email address and password

Please note: Audio download links can only be used by one user, a maximum of four times.

If you have any problems downloading your audio please contact bookshop@chbookshop.co.uk 

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Can I play it on my smartphone or tablet?

Yes, your files will download in MP3 format in a zipped folder, so should work on your PC, tablet, or smartphone. Please make sure that you unzip the folder and have the correct software on your device that will play MP3 files. 

If you have any problems downloading your audio files, please contact bookshop@chbookshop.co.uk.

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Can I download my audio files on multiple devices?

You can download your audio files on a maximum of four devices. 

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How do I open my audiobook in iTunes?

Your audiobook will download in MP3 format. Follow the steps below to open it in iTunes.

1. Open iTunes

2. Go to File > Add folder to Library

3. Select your downloaded files

They will be added to your iTunes Library. To edit your files, right click on them in iTunes and select 'Edit audiobook info'.

Please contact bookshop@chbookshop.co.uk if you require further assistance. 

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Do I have to download my audio files straightaway?

No - the download link stays active for 2 years.

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Can I share my audio files with other people?

Audio files can only be downloaded by one user, a maximum of four times.

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Can I get a refund for an audio file?

Once purchased there is no way of returning an audio file, so we cannot exchange or refund them unless the files are faulty. Please contact bookshop@chbookshop.co.uk if you have any problems downloading your audio.

Note: Unlike print books, audio downloads are subject to VAT. The prices on our website include VAT.

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