Concilium 2016/5
Revision of Canon Law
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Part One: History and Questions of Principle
Light of the World: Reclaiming the Historic(al) Role of Canon Law
Wim Decock
From the Council to the 1983 Code of Canon Law: Do we need a new reform?
Jesus Hortal
Legal Relevance of Canon Law.
Rik Torfs
Theology and Canon Law: Journeying Together
Felix Wilfred
Ecumenism and the Reform of Canon Law
George Nedungatt
Part Two: Towards Reforms
Human Rights and Canon Law
Peter G. Kirchschläger
From Junior Helpers to Valued Collaborators: Giving the Laity their Rightful Place in the Clergy-Centred Church
Sabine Demel
The Motu proprio Mitis iudex dominus Iesus: Opportunities, challenges and potential pitfalls
Hildegard Warnink
Part Three: Applications
For an Inculturation of Canon Law
Vincenso Mosca
More Subsidiarity in Canon Law: Bishops Conference and Administrative Tribunals
Burkhard J. Berkmann
Catholic Inter-Religious Marriage in a Muslim Country
Al. Andang L. Binawan
African expectations about a possible revision of the 1983 Code of Canon Law
Robert Kamangala Kamba
Part Four: Theological Forum
God in Time: On the apocalyptic roots of Christianity
Johann Baptist Metz
In Memoriam Virgilio Elizondo (1935-2016), the theologian of friendship
Carlos Mendoze-Alvarez
Concilium is currently published in six languages and can claim to be the most-widely read theological journal in the world.