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Redeeming Truth

Considering Faith in Reason

Redeeming Truth

Considering Faith in Reason

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Publisher: SCM Press
ISBN: 9780334041252
Number of Pages: 300
Width: 15.6 cm
Height: 23.4 cm

Redeeming Truth is a follow-up volume to the first volume in this series, "Restoring Faith in Reason". "Restoring Faith in Reason" was published in 2003 and was the translation into English for the first time of the "Papal Encyclical Letter, Fides et Ratio".

Where "Restoring Faith in Reason" considered the broad themes of the Fides et ratio, "Redeeming Truth" is a collection of essays focussing on the central proclamation of the Encyclical; that the truth which will set us free has come into the world and is present among us in its redeeming power.

Into the midst of the crisis of our time, the authors and editors of this volume believe that the Encyclical is heard as a call for the fullest engagement of faith and reason with the needs of culture, in order that redeeming truth may be known again in the world.

Central to all the essays in this collection is the question of redeeming truth, and each is designed to address this question fully. The essays are presented in a dialogue format with contributions under three headings of Philosophy, Truth and Nihilism. "Redeeming Truth" aims to serve a stimulus to open up further discussions and scholarly studies on the nature of redemption and truth.

Laurence Paul Hemming, Susan Frank Parsons

Laurence Paul Hemming is Dean of Research at Heythrop College and Susan Frank Parsons is editor of Studies in Christian Ethics Journal.