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An Introduction to Fresh Expressions of Church and Pioneer Ministry


An Introduction to Fresh Expressions of Church and Pioneer Ministry

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Publisher: SCM Press
ISBN: 9780334043874
Number of Pages: 200
Published: 30/03/2012
Width: 13.5 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

Fresh! offers a strong rationale for fresh expressions and pioneer ministries rooted in scripture and in the breath of the Christian tradition.

This is tested against the realities of contemporary British culture and critiques of the notion of Fresh Expressions. It offers practical guidance for starting and sustaining such ministries in the long term. It provides a survey of best practice within Fresh Expressions and pioneer ministry.

Fresh! comes out of the mature reflection of church leaders and theologians who have been active in such ministries over a number of years, showing how such ministries are integral to the work of the church both now and over the long term. This is combined with valuable practical advice - the best kind of practical theology.

David Goodhew, Andrew Roberts, Michael Volland

David Goodhew is Director of Ministerial Practice at Cranmer Hall, Durham, prior to which he was Vicar of St Oswald's, Church, York

Andrew Roberts is National Director of Training for Fresh Expressions.

Michael Volland is Director of Mission and Pioneer Ministry at Cranmer Hall, Durham, prior to which he led a Fresh Expression in Gloucester

'With plenty of real-life experience to illustrate and inspire, this book is a lively exploration of the faith and practice of establishing fresh expressions of church. Reflecting on pioneer stories helps us to enlarge our understanding of God's mission today.' --Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York

"FRESH!: A great balance of theology, praxis and experience, encouraging leadership to practical and effective action in pioneering fresh expressions." --Stephen Lindridge, Fresh Expressions, Methodist National Missioner

"Three experienced practitioners offer theological reflection on some key questions along with practical insights gleaned from their own engagement with new forms of ecclesial community in a way that offers a valuable contribution to the ongoing conversation." --Professor John Drane

‘FRESH! Is a valuable resource for anyone enquiring about fresh expressions and pioneer ministry’. --Linda Rayner, Fresh Expressions Coordinator, The United Reformed Church

‘This is a gift of a book – well constructed, aimed and timed for all those serious about the need of the hour and seeking to see the re-evangelisation of western society’. --Pete Atkins, a director of Ground Level network of churches.