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Qualitative Research in Theological Education

Pedagogy in Practice

Qualitative Research in Theological Education

Pedagogy in Practice

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Publisher: SCM Press
ISBN: 9780334056775
Number of Pages: 256
Width: 13.5 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

Qualitative Research in Theological Education brings together a diverse group of scholars to consider the theological values arising from and contributing to their use of qualitative research in scholarship and teaching.

The book offers a careful consideration of the pedagogical and administrative challenges involved in teaching qualitative research and its various sub-disciplines such as ethnography.

As a whole, the book argues that the teaching of QR methods is critical to the theological, ethical, spiritual, and/or pastoral formation of ministers and theological scholars.

Part 1 Exemplary Research Essays 1. Theology as Playbook and Gamefilm: Explaining an Ethnographic Approach to Theology to a Sports-Centred Culture - Todd David Whitmore 2. Qualitative Methodology and Critical Pedagogy: A Study of the Lived Experiences of Thai Peasants within the Context of Western Development Ideology - Siroj Sorajjakool and Apipa Prachyapruit Part 2 Issues in Education and the Practice of Research 3. Promoting the Good: Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Practical Theological Research - Elaine Graham and Dawn Llewellyn 4. Between Yes and No: The Inner Journey of Qualitative Research - David M. Csinos 5. The Askesis of Fieldwork: Practices for a Way of Inquiry, a Way of Life - Todd David Whitmore 6. Just Don’t Call It ‘Ethnography’: A Critical Ethnographic Pedagogy for Transformative Theological Education - Natalie Wigg-Stevenson 7. Teaching and Researching Practical Theology: A Liberative Participative Approach to Pedagogy and Qualitative Research - Anthony G. Reddie 8. I Am Not a Sociologist: Reflections on Sociological Research in Theology - Brett C. Hoover 9. Teaching Spirituality with Qualitative Research Methods - Boyung Lee 10. The Researcher as Gamemaker: Teaching Normative Dimensions in Various Phases of Empirical Practical Theological Research - Tone Stangeland Kaufman 11. Qualitative Research at Emory: Ethnographic Insights and Notes from the Field - Nichole Renée Phillips 12. Qualitative Research: The Invaluable Tool in Pastoral Ministry - Bernardine Ketelaars Part 3 Integrating Qualitative Research into Theological Education 13.Qualitative Research in Theological Curricula - David M. Mellott 14. Wonder and the Divine Dance: The Lived Reality of Qualitative Research within a Master of Divinity Curriculum - Joseph (Jody) H. Clarke Part 4 Valediction 15. The Gift and Challenge of Qualitative Methods for Pastoral Formation - Susan Willhauck Select Bibliography Index of Names and Subjects

Mary Clark Moschella, Susan Willhauck

Mary Clark Moschella is Roger J. Squire Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at Yale University School of Divinity, is the author or editor of three books and numerous articles in the area of pastoral research, including the widely used volume, "Ethnography as a Pastoral Practice: An Introduction". Susan Willhauck, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Atlantic School of Theology, She conducts QR and has published in the areas of Christian education and leadership in ministry, including "Ministry Unplugged: Uncommon Calls to Serve" (2010) and "Breaking the Stained Glass Ceiling" (2013).

"Ethnography breaks conventional boundaries of library research, but what are its implications for teaching? This stellar collection tackles this important question and reveals the power of fieldwork to form and even transform us. With contributions by expert scholars from diverse disciplines, institutions, and countries, this book is an indispensable handbook on ethnography, showing not only how to navigate its pitfalls but also how to reap its benefits of radical hospitality and even political activism." -- Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, Vanderbilt University, USA

"Qualitative Research in Theological Education" provides insights into diverse geographic contexts and a variety of religious and non-religious practices through attention to embodied contextual realities. A crucial contribution is attention to how such research can and should be understood as truly "theological" as opposed to simply quantitative or qualitative." -- Mary McClintock Fulkerson, Duke University Divinity School, USA

'Moschella and Willhauck bring together deeply insightful essays "voiced" by experienced practical theologians from around the world who are highly skilled, reflective teachers and researchers. This collection sets a new highwater mark in our resources for teaching and practicing qualitative research.' -- Nancy J. Ramsay,  Brite Divinity School, USA

'This is an inspiring collection of essays that powerfully testify to the huge significance qualitative research has assumed within theological education. The authors show how close, patient and attentive engagement with our contexts and communities is strengthened and disciplined by a critical awareness of contemporary research methodologies. Ecclesial, ethical, political and pastoral practice are thus enhanced and the theological imagination itself is enlivened and transformed. An exciting and engaging work.' -- Heather Walton, University of Glasgow, UK