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Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor

Hearing Justice in John's Gospel

Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor

Hearing Justice in John's Gospel

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Paperback / softback



Publisher: SCM Press
ISBN: 9780334059059
Number of Pages: 256
Published: 29/05/2020
Width: 15.6 cm
Height: 23.4 cm

Despite the explicit proclamation in John's Gospel of the 'Word made flesh' it is hard to preach such an esoteric Gospel in a way which offers something concrete, relevant and timely for congregations.

Focused around the lectionary readings from the Gospel, "The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor" suggests that far from being a Gospel which sits at a safe remove from every day life, it can in fact be preached as an urgent call to hear the voices of the oppressed in our world.

Encouraging preachers to engage in the ancient practice of lectio divina, the book offers an accessible resource to help address the divorce between what is heard from pulpit, and the urgent social and ecological justice concern of our times.

Does John's Gospel have anything to say about economic and ecological justice? Kathleen Rushton argues that it does in her new commentary, which uses the ancient practice of 'lectio divina' to reflect on the 4th gospel.

Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton is an Independent Scholar and Lecturer at the Catholic Institute of Aotearoa New Zealand. She has contributed chapters and articles to numerous books (including Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception and Leviticus in the Wisdom Commentary Series) and journals including Concilium and Colloquium

"This timely and compelling book is an inspiration for anyone concerned with connecting spirituality, ecology and social justice. The author brings John's Gospel to life in a way that is fresh, creative and desperately needed for the Christian community as the challenge facing our common home continues to escalate. By tying this into the liturgical life of the church, the book both enters into its dynamic, but also allows it to be transformed." -- Celia Deane-Drummond, Campion Hall, Oxford

"This book is a taonga (treasure) which should grace every preacher's shelves. Its profound insights into the depths of John's Gospel flow from careful scholarship, concern for justice and care of creation and a deep, ecumenical love for God's church. Kathleen's love of Scripture, the earth, people and the church is lived every day in the city we live in. It is a joy to see this love shared with the world God loves through this taonga of the written word. -- Bishop Peter Carrell, Anglican Diocese of Christchurch, NZ

"I highly recommend this book. It is traditional as it builds on the solid studies of Brown, Moloney, and others. It traditionally follows the lectio divina style which flows into contemplation and action. It innovatively treats two overlooked themes: care of the earth and of the marginalized. This book will grab your conscience, warm your heart, and impel you into the world to complete God's works." -- Robert J. Karris, St. Bonaventure University, USA