Mission and Ministry
Reconceptualising Disability for the Contemporary Church
Blending theory, anthropology, theology, pastoral concerns and the lived experience of people with disabilities, Reconceptualising Disability for the Contemporary Church offers an important and thoughtful challenge to the contemporary Church.
Paperback / softback
Imagining Mission with John V. Taylor
Leading missional thinkers Cathy Ross and Jonny Baker invite us into a vision of church, mission and society which takes John V. Taylor's ideas seriously, seeking to imagine what Taylor's insights might mean for these three areas in our contemporary...
Paperback / softback
Being Interrupted
Reimagining the Church’s Mission from the Outside, In
Paperback / softback
Missio Dei in a Digital Age
For the first time, this book explores the implications of digitality for Missio Dei in thought and practice. Bringing together theologians, missiologists, computer scientists and practitioners, the book considers a diverse range of topics from...
Paperback / softback
Adaptive Ministry for a Post-Church Society
Arguing that what is needed is a provisional approach to ministry which recognises that all forms of ministry are, and always have been a response to social and cultural context, 'Ecclesianarchy' brings theological and practical insight to bear on...
Paperback / softback