The Naked Preacher
Action Research and a Practice of Preaching
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This new volume in the SCM Research series argues that both preaching and Action Research are inherently exposing practices. They require a deep level of self-consciousness, and a willingness to hold oneself up to critique and comment. But at their best they are both formed within a deep and supportive critical community.
Applying a methodology rooted in Action Research as way of Doing Theology (ART), and drawn from the author's own research within a specific 'community of practice', The Naked Preacher demonstrates for preachers and ministers new ways to be critically and constructively self-aware. It also offers an important contribution for practical theologians with an interest in action research and critical reflection.
Acknowledgements ix
Abbreviations xi
Introduction xiii
Interlude xxiii
1. Action research: a messy business
2. Action research as a way of doing theology: is it an ART?
3 . Word Café: opening up communicative space?
4 . The Bible transforms the preacher: let those with ears hear
5 . Looking the congregation in the eye: the naked preacher
6. The visible preacher: finding a place to stand
7. The unfinished story: continuing to negotiate the insider–outsider terrain
Index of Names and Subjects
'Jason Boyd has engaged in a radical examination of his preaching practice, not as mere upskilling but as rigorous and reflective theological inquiry. In doing so he has explored and reframed what it is to do theology in the practice of his preaching and, thereby, contribute to the field of practical theology.' -- David Coghlan
'Jason Boyd offers a fresh and compelling model of preaching as democratic hermeneutics and everyday liberation. It encourages preaching as an event that is at once both orthodox and existential, and allows for the meaning making and wisdom to be shared horizontally, not vertically, as a means of equipping the body of Christ to attain a deeper relevance and desire for discipleship in today's complex world.' -- Chris Baker